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Act IV: Our Circle With Theirs

This act was all about the basis of human interaction. How we connect with others and how sometimes, we really don't. Act IV linked together every other part of my work into one of the most complex problems in existence. Furthermore, this act wrapped up the circle as a whole and allowed me to transition into my conclusion of my entire Capstone.

Whose Cirlce?

When we realize the extent of the myriad interconnections which link us to all other life, we realize that our existence only becomes meaningful through interaction with, and in relation to, others."   -Buddhist Proverb

Why the Spirit?

Our spirits are all part of one giant spirit, a life force that keeps us alive.  The parts of the circles that are overlapping are the spirit. True and genuine human interaction connects our spirits. Yes, our body's communicate signals and language for the mind to interpret and analyze the meaning behind the dialogue, but our spirits are the reason we are able to sympathize and reflect another’s circle. Have you ever known what someone was thinking before they did? Or knew how they would react to information you were about to give them? Does the presence of a new person or someone random immediately evoke an odd feeling you can’t describe? Have you ever felt like you know a stranger? Or does the presence of a loved one immediately bring you joy? These examples all show spiritual interaction beyond our comprehension.

“We can be compassionate as well as evil. We can love and we can destroy. I will always wonder how the same creature can do both. Oxymoron.” -Adrian Sandvaer, Designer

“Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.” -Charles Eames, Architect

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