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Act III: All Parts are Equal

"In the previous Act, we talked about absolute imbalance. This same idea is applied here. We, as imperfect humans, can not achieve perfection in the equality of the mind, body and spirit. One person may naturally have a stronger mind than another but a weaker spirit than the individual next to them. Another example could be a human who has a very weak mind and body, but an incredibly strong spirit."

Why are We Always Unperfect?
“By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.”    -Thomas Aquinas,         Theologian

"Life is merely the usage of a circle. Birth and the threshold to consciousness (in a womb) is the convergence of a mind body and spirit to create the circle. We are given an original circle at birth, one that can be altered and definitely improved. Every circle is unique, from birth till death; but no circle is created equal either."

Where Do We Start?
Click here to view the full act!
Here is where I began to introduce complicated ideas that I had created. These were very abstract, but conveyed the messages clearly with prior knowlege of the previous acts. This act also wrapped the concept of a single circle, and allowed me to open up a new perspective of my philosiphy to readers.
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